Frontal Queen? Braiding Boss? Wash Wiz? Find out your Black Girl superpower level & earn bragging rights!

5 Min Read

5 Min Read
This quiz is all about celebrating your Black Girl Hair Superpowers! Every skill you've mastered adds points to your score, and the higher your score, the closer you get to unlocking your ultimate hair guru status. Ready to see how many points you rack up? Let's go!
Basic Boss 👩🏽✨ (5 pts each )
1. You have the patience to take out and detangle your hair without tears (we see you, 👀)
2. You can lay your edges with precision.
3. You can wash your hair (bonus +5 pts if it's 4c!)
4. You can blow dry your hair
5. You can straighten your hair with a flat iron like a pro
Keep those baby hairs in check with our Baby Hair Control.
Styling Sorceress (10 pts each) 🧚🏼♂️✨
1. You can do your own cornrows without extensions
2. You can do cornrows on someone else without extensions
3. You can do single plaits on yourself without extensions
4. You can slay your ponytail by yourself
The Frontal Queen (15 pts each) 👸🏽🌟
1. You can lay a frontal wig flawlessly — what lace honeyyy?!
2. You can pluck and bleach your own wig — The ultimate DIY queen
3. You can color your own bundles for a custom hair masterpiece — because why not?
Not a frontal queen yet? Our viral lace melting spray is the secret sauce you need!
Ultimate Hair Guru (20 pts each) 🙅🏽♀️✨
1. You can do a full head of braids on someone else ( Bonus +10 if you can do knotless braids)
2. You can do a full head of braids on yourself. (You are a superhero, bonus 15 if you can do knotless braids )
3. You can do cornrows with extensions on someone else (bouns +10 points if you can do it on yourself as well )
- You can cut your wig/bundles into layers for a customized look.
- You can switch up your loc into different styles by yourself (new hair, who dis? )
- You can sew in a weave on someone else (bonus +5 pts if you can also do a sew-in on yourself)
Results 🎉✨
- 275 - 200 points: Ultimate Hair Guru! Your hair styling skills are legendary, and you can handle anything thrown your way
- 199- 120 points: Master Stylist! Your skills are impressive! Keep practicing and you'll be a Hair Guru in no time.
- 119- 40 points: Rising Star! Keep learning and experimenting with new styles.
- 39-0 points: Hero in Training You're still a hero in training always up for a challenge.
ts you rack up? Let's go!